Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Fun

Our Sumer fun list, places we want to go, things we want to do.

Knotts Berry Farm
Miniature Golf
Children's Discovery Museum
Living Desert
Library (summer reading program)
Baseball Game
Car wash
White Water Wash
Bike Rides

These are just some of our plans, more will be added I'm sure. I just look forward to each smile we can get.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

12 for 2012

New Years Goals

This year I really don't have resolutions, rather I have goals. I made them as realistic as possible. Nothing worse than failing two days into the new year. So here they are:

1) Start the Year with some Loss! Lose 24 pounds. Two pounds per month. Create and maintain exercise at home regiment.

2) Healthy Life. Establish and visit both Doctors and Dentist. Keep accurate medical records for each family member, including Bosco and Luna.

3) Save, Save, Save! Each month add $200 to the family savings account. And save $100 for Ryan and Carter's account. That's right $300 total.

4) Plan and Go on a Family Vacation! Big Bear, San Diego, Lake Havasu...2 nights, 3 day actual Vacation!

5) Organize, Organize, then Organize some more!
-Baby Books

6) What's for Dinner? Limit eating out to once a week! Once a week, create a new dish, I create a dish one week, then Lane the next. Be creative! Put all new dishes in recipe book!

7) Life Matters! Get Life Insurance, Living Wills, 401k. Future of the Huffman Estate!

8) Family Time! Plan and Do a Family Outing (park, picnic, site seeing, etc.) once a month. Also plan and do one family project a month (build something, paint, etc.) And Finally...Family movie night and family game night!

9) LandScape- Front and Backyard. Make plans, submit them to HOA, and do it. No excuses. The boy's NEED a backyard!

10) No more Procrastination! Make list of all indoor and outdoor projects that need to be finished...and finish them. Sounds simple right!

11) Go to Church! Nuff Said!

12) Knowledge-Read at least 2 books this year. And these books do not include 'required' reading.

I can do this. 12 Goals of 2012. Let's make 2012 Great!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back to Work

  "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Tonight is my first night back at work. I am a Registered Nurse and work the night shift in a Medical/Surgical Unit. I love my job. I love who I work with. I love that I am able to make a difference in a persons life, even a small one. Even with this love, I still have a stronger love for my family. Having a 2 month old baby boy and a 3 and 1/2 year old growing boy will make my return to work a challenge. However, as stated above, "finish each day and be done with it." Here I go with three nights and off for four. Hope that the "blunders and absurdities" stay away, and I can begin tomorrow (Wednesday) with a high spirit. But with a family like this, how could I not.

Friday, November 25, 2011

There's A Smile

  Often times in life, we encounter moments or events that bring about feelings of sadness. Thankfully these moments are overshadowed by events that can bring shear happiness. Tonight I sat and watched my son Ryan, now 3 1/2 years old bring about happiness in my 2 month old son Carter by looking him in the face, can't really tell if he specifically looks in the eyes, continually saying, "there's a smile!" And sure enough he was smiling, even laughing. Now I know many people are sad, depressed, and discouraged in these hard times, but I tell you what, a young child's smile and laughter can change anyone's day! Well actually until you realize that the younger child needs a changing! Let's see if I can manage to get Daddy to do this one.

  Oh and here is one photo that can always get me to smile!